Monday, May 13, 2013

Chronological Resumes - Mini Rant

I'm not going to get into the functional vs. chronological resume argument today other than saying that I, and most recruiters I know, don't like the functional resumes.  My advice is to stick to the chronological resume which lists each position, when you were working there, and what you did, in chronological order.

I see resumes from time to time with the first job listed being eons ago, and I don't understand the logic behind this.  Your resume should list your current job first.  I really don't care what you did 20 years ago, I want to know what you're doing now, and what you've done in the past 5 years.  Ok, I shouldn't say I don't care, but it's just not as relevant as your current responsibilities, so that's what should be included first.

While we're on the topic, please include the months that you worked, I'm going to have to ask for them anyway.  Listing 2010-2010 on your resume doesn't do me any good.  Does that mean you worked for a month? A year?  A day?  I have no context, and I need context in order to build a case for you, so please make my life a little easier.  If you listed January 2010 - November 2010, I can argue a case for you and say you have 11 solid months of experience, but if you listed 2010-2010 I can't.

Questions on the chronological resume, formatting, or what you should include?  Let me know.

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