Friday, May 17, 2013

Applied Online, Why Haven't I Gotten a Call?!

Let's look at the bigger picture, there could be a thousand reasons why a company hasn't called you after receiving your application.  The applicant Black Hole is a real thing, and it's very possible that no one has actually seen your resume - so follow-up by calling or emailing a recruiter to ask if they've received your application and to let them know that you're very interested in the job.

Now, to increase your chances of getting a call-back there are several things you should do:

  1. Apply to jobs that you're actually qualified for (Read the job description) - if the job is for a sales rep with 4+ years experience, and you've only worked at a fast food restaurant, I'm not going to call you.
  2. See Resume Tips - Make sure your spelling and grammar is correct and your resume is formatted
  3. K.I.S.S. - If your cover letter is a page long and your resume has paragraph descriptions, I'm probably not going to take the time to read it.
  4. There's a ton of applicants right now - The job market is still down, so each job posting gets a lot of responses.  Unfortunately, that might just mean that there were more qualified candidates than you, but don't be discouraged and keep applying.
  5. It's only been a week, calm down!  Sometimes it takes a month to get through all the applicants, so reach out and see if you can get the status of your application, that might just get someone to pull you our of the Black Hole of Applicant Tracking Systems, and in front of a decision maker. (Pro Tip - don't be a stalker.  If you call me everyday, or several times a day without leaving a message, I'm going to ignore you.  Once a week or every other week is good.)

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