Friday, May 3, 2013

Getting the Call - Initial Phone Interviews

The first thing a recruiter does if they like your resume, is call you.  That's the entire purpose of a resume - get the call.  The phone screen is our way of seeing if you fit the job description and are interested in the job. Phone screens vary greatly depending on the job and the recruiter.  Some might take 5 minutes, while others take 45 minutes.  A phone screen usually takes about 15-20 minutes and covers what's on your resume and the details of the job.  This is where you can explain anything on your resume and highlight your strengths.

If you get a phone screen, there are several things to remember:
  1. It's OK to Reschedule - You weren't anticipating someone calling you, so if you're in the middle of something, in a noisy area, driving, or have a bad connection, its OK to ask to reschedule.  I would much rather call you back, then deal with a distracted candidate that I can barely hear.
  2. Be Prepared - You didn't know I was calling, but you better know what is on your resume when I ask you to go over it with me.  Tell me about your experience, but please don't ramble.  Remember K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid - I think I'll do an entire post on this motto one day).
  3. Ask Questions - Maybe you applied to 10 jobs over the weekend and have no idea what the companies were, that's fine, don't tell me that, but ask me about the job, what your responsibilities would be, what's expected of you, and if you could be emailed a job description
  4. Take Notes - I'm taking notes as we talk because there's no way I can remember it all, and you should too.  Write down what we discussed and what questions you still have, this will be useful if you make it to an interview

Questions I always ask during a phone screen:
  • Tell me about your experience
  • Why did each job end? (layoff, quit, fired)
  • What are your responsibilities in your current job?
  • What are you looking for in your next job opportunity?
  • What are the things that are important to you?
  • How much were you paid at each position?
  • What do you want to be paid in your next role?

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