Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Insider Secrets for Your Job Search

Interviewing should be a conversation, you shouldn't be rambling on for 10 minutes answering one question, and you shouldn't be give one word answers either.

Be confident, not cocky!  Interviewers aren't going to hire you if you doubt yourself or are super negative.  You're also not going to be hired if you  come across as cocky and arrogant.

Explain your responsibilities like I've never heard of that job before.  Some of what you might consider irrelevant and simple tasks can be really important and transferable, so don't leave them out.

Organization and simple formatting on your resume go a long way.  Have everything left-adjusted, use bullet points for your experience and bold the job titles and companies you've been at.  Condense what you can so there isn't a ton of blank space on your resume.

What are some tips you've heard that really resonate with you?

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